FUTURE CERAMICS is the seminar organised by the School of Art and Ceramics of Manises on technology and ceramic design. Though face-to-face and complying with all the health measures required due to Covid-19, the capacity will need to be limited. However, the event will be streamed.
9.20 am. Inauguration of the fourth seminar on Design and Ceramic Technology in the events hall of the Escola d’Art i Superior de Ceràmica de Manises.
9.30 am. Talk given by Sara Sorribes, from Vidrio Sorribes , on craft enterprises in the post-COVID era.
10.30 am. Talk by Begoña Ferrari, researcher at CSIC, and Secretary General of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass, who will talk to us about new ceramic materials.
11.50 am. Talk by Joaquín Peris, from Zschimmer & Schwarz, entitled “Ceramic additives”.
12.50 pm. Talk entitled “Trends in ceramics and contemporary craftwork” by Lutzia Ortiz and Ana Benavente, in charge of ITC’s (Institute of Ceramic Technology) Observatory of Habitat Trends and Product Design Unit in the Habitat Department.
BEGOÑA FERRARI: Head scientist at the Institute of Ceramics and Glass and at the CSIC.
Her experience in research focuses on the study of the colloidal behaviour of inorganic particles in liquid media applied to the processing of ceramic materials.
SARA SORRIBES: Glass craftswoman and director of Vidrio Sorribes.
She was awarded the Dona Artesana Prize by the Valencian Community in 2015 and also received the Artesanía Comunidad Valenciana prize in 2020.
JOAQUIN PERIS: He is a technician in advanced ceramics.
A graduate in plastic arts, specialising in ceramics, he has worked for 12 years as a laboratory technician and a product application technician at Zschimmer & Schwarz.
LUTZIA ORTIZ y ANA BENAVENTE: Lutzia Ortiz, Head of the Product Design Unit of the Habitat Department and also head of the OTH and her colleague, expert in Product and Trend Analysis, Ana Benavente, both from ITC.