Ceràmica Oberta: event information

On September 18th, the Ceràmica Oberta activity will take place in the city of Manises.

A day where ceramics and ceramists will be the real protagonists of the city. The aim of this activity is to showcase our ceramics and to highlight the local potters and pottery workshops that carry out their activity in a traditional way.

During this fun day, which will run from 10am to 2pm and from 5pm to 8pm, the public will be able to visit different workshops, pottery factories and the headquarters of the Valencian Ceramics Association AVEC-Gremio, where demonstrations will be given using different ceramic techniques.

It will be the artisans themselves who will show the local population and tourists their techniques and skills that keep our ceramic tradition alive.

In addition, a tourist train will be available to travel around part of the city and to bring the public closer to the workshops.

To access it you will need to book a ticket at the Tourist Info Manises located at Av. dels Tramvíes, 15.

The stops will be located at c/Valencia, 26 (Edificio Policía Local – Promoción Económica), Manises metro stop and Rosas metro stop.

Free activity / Registration required to board the train.



New ceramic space of the ceramist Alicia G. Bellver, a space open to everyone who wants to create, experiment, innovate, share and above all enjoy ceramics, in a free and simple way, with a shop selling handmade, contemporary and unique pieces, both ornamental and utilitarian.

Activity: Demonstrations of different manual shaping techniques: pinching, churros and slabs.

C/ Oeste, 6 bajo. Manises (Valencia) http://aliartebp.blogspot.com/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/aliarteceramica/

Instagram: aliarteceramica


Descendant of an old family of ceramists from Manises (19th century), today he is the only workshop that reproduces the Metallic Lustre technique in Manises (Arabic technique from the 9th century). His work focuses on making reproductions of the golden earthenware of Manises from the 15th to the 16th century and on using this technique in new formal and decorative proposals.

Activity: Process of elaboration of the golden reflection. There will also be guest artists of sculpture, glass and book presentation.

C/ Maestro Serrano, 1 bis. Manises (Valencia)


Instagram: ceramicamora


Ceramic workshop dedicated to the production of yellow earthenware for food. Its star piece is the ceramic mortar.

Activity: You will be able to get a close look at the process of making yellow earthenware. Visitors will be able to go over it on the potter’s wheel.

C/ Cementerio, 24A. Manises (Valencia)



Drac Cerámic is formed by Conxa Arjona and David Sánchez. In their workshop you can enjoy conceptual craftsmanship and ceramic restorations.

Activity: Pottery and pottery demonstrations.

C/ Torrente, 6. Manises (Valencia)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dracceramicmanises/

Instagram: dracceramic


Workshop of the ceramist José Royo Alcaraz specialised in traditional ceramics in 18th century style (pottery, vases…) and signature ceramics.

Activity: Live demonstrations.

C/ Torrente, 9. Manises (Valencia)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/pepe.royoalcaraz/

Instagram: royoalcaraz


The National Association of Professionals in Ceramics will participate with several workshops and demonstrations. Among them will be the ceramist Montse Llanas. 

Activity: Raku with microwave, amulet workshop and clay modelling workshop.

C/ Torrente. Manises (Valencia) http://www.ceramicanpec.com/index.html

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anpecceramica/

Instagram: anpec_ceramica


The artisan Maribel Martínez will open the doors of her workshop where she will have her pieces and works on display so that you can admire them in a unique setting.

C/ Torrente, 11 Manises (Valencia)

Instagram: maribelmartinezescultora


During the day you will be able to visit the Centre for Services and Promotion of Valencian Ceramics, headquarters of the Valencian Ceramics Association AVEC-Gremio, where we invite you to participate in the different workshops created especially for this event:

Participatory-demonstrative workshop on making miniature porcelain flowers by Porcelanas Mercedes (Mercedes Almazán).

Participatory-demonstrative workshop on the technique of ceramic wickerwork by Vicente Martínez and Manuel Martínez. There will also be a small exhibition of “Mimbre-Art” pieces created by Vicente Martínez and Antonio Cordero.

Participative-demonstrative workshop on the decoration of a “Socarrat” style tile by Francisco Álvarez.

Participative-demonstrative workshop on painting on sponge cake by Antonio Cordero.

Participatory children’s workshop on modelling figurines by Rosa García.

During your visit, you can also enjoy short films about different ceramic processes and the history of Manises.

In addition, the artisan ceramics shop of the Valencian Community “Avec-Gremio Shop Manises” will also open its doors during the same hours so that you can take a little piece of Manises history home with you.

C/ Valencia, 29. Manises (Valencia) http://avec.com/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/asociacionvalencianaceramicaavec-gremio/

Instagram: avecgremio

More information:

Tourist Info Manises Av. dels Tramvíes,15 Tel. 96 152 56 09

e-mail: turismo@manises.es


Event organised by the Concejalía de Turismo del Ayuntamiento de Manises.

Collaborators: Vicente Diez and Escola d’Art i Superior de Ceràmica de Manises.

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