Seville was the city chosen this year by the Spanish Association of Ceramic Cities (AeCC) to present the National Ceramics Awards 2022. Our City Council made seven proposals in each of the existing categories, all of which were chosen as finalists and, at the ceremony held in the Alcázar of Seville, three prizes were awarded to these proposals.
“For Manises it is a source of pride to be able to compete in all the categories, both for different types of ceramics and at the level of associations or innovation”, remarked Xavier Morant, councillor for the Promotion of Ceramics of our City Council and vice-president of the AeCC. “From here my congratulations to all the winners and finalists, this is a boost to move forward with more strength,” added Morant.
Seven candidatures were presented by the Manisero consistory, which were also finalists. Cerámicas Palanca in the traditional ceramics category; Xavier Monsalvatje in contemporary creative ceramics and Michal Andrezj Grzemski as an emerging ceramist. Also in the category of activity in favour of ceramics was the proposal of ADN Cerámico and in the category of innovation, management, promotion and/or commercialisation in ceramics the EA+SC “Escuela de Arte y Superior de Cerámica de Manises”.
We also contemplated Alfonso Pleguezuelo Hernández, Spanish historian, and researcher, specialising in pottery and ceramics and various art-related subjects, as an Honorary Award. Finally, in the category of historical research, protection and rehabilitation of ceramic heritage, the proposal was for the Ceramology Association.
Of all the proposals from our town, the winners were: Xavier Monsalvatje in contemporary creative ceramics, the Ceramology Association in the category of historical research, protection and rehabilitation of ceramic heritage and the prize of Honour to Alfonso Pleguezuelo Hernández.
Taking advantage of the weekend, the AeCC held its Annual General Meeting to update on different issues and report on new projects in favour of ceramics, economic aspects, and other topics of interest.