Manises presents the book “Women in the Manises Ceramic Industry”

On Wednesday 19th April, the ‘VII Setmana de les Lletres en Manises’ began. From this day until Friday 21st April, different book presentations have taken place, such as: “30 cuentos para mayores” or “Manises i els establiments de 1610”.

On Friday 21st April at 20h, the book “La Dona en la Indústria Ceràmica de Manises” by Josep Pérez Campos was presented in the Sala Polivalent of the Casa de Cultura, an event that concluded ‘La II Setmana de les Lletres’.

In the document, the role that women have played throughout history in the ceramic activity of the Valencian town is recorded and recovered. It thus highlights a work that has been carried out by women in Manises for many years and which, on many occasions, has been made invisible.

Throughout its pages, different areas of ceramics are covered; the book transports us to the environments, factories, and workshops of the time.

This event is part of the events organised by Manises UNESCO Creative City, highlighting the history and ceramic tradition of the town on an international level.

If you want to enjoy this book you can visit the virtual library of Manises.

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