Escola d’Art i Superior de Ceràmica de Manises
The Escola d’Art i Superior de Ceràmica, Manises (EASC) is a public centre engaged in the teaching of plastic arts and design, belonging to the Institute of Artistic Teaching of the Valencian Community (ISEACV), and is accountable to the Valencian Government.
It currently offers a degree in ceramics and higher level vocational training in artistic ceramics.
The initially so-called “Practical School of Ceramics of Manises” became operational in October 1916 as the first centre (and, for many years, the only one) in Spain offering a degree in Ceramics. The qualification combines the creativity and most appropriate technological knowledge necessary for transforming ceramic materials.

The Escola d’Art i Superior de Ceràmica of Manises has succeeded in becoming a world reference for the teaching of ceramics, incorporating new techniques and processes in the training of future artists, teachers, designers and researchers who come to the School from countries like: Japan, Portugal, Korea, Turkey, France, etc.
The Escola d’Art i Superior de Ceràmica of Manises offers environmentally sound studies. We deal with real problems and try to interpret actual needs in these times, from an awareness of the environment with its own identity for a culture of new craftwork and eco-design, giving priority to education and with a commitment to socially sustainability. Indeed, environmental sustainability, with regard to both its use and in the materials and production processes, together with an additional concern with functionality and aesthetics, is an unquestionable priority in the original conception of the projects of our students.
EASC’s commitment is to build a future with more environment-friendly objects, extending their life and defending ceramics as an effective alternative to single-use.
EASC’s educational offer includes:
- Advanced Studies in Ceramics (level 2 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, equivalent to a degree). Once you have obtained our degree following the required four years, you can do postgraduate studies, study for a master’s degree or a PhD.
- Higher level Vocational training in Artistic Ceramics, lasting two academic years.
The school has an Erasmus charter and is a member of Cumulus (International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media). It is also a member of the Confederation of Arts Schools (CEA) and The Spanish Association of Centres for Higher Arts Studies (ACESA).
IES Ausiàs March secondary school
Ausiàs March Secondary School, in Manises, has been linked to ceramics for 11 years. This school offers a course in Elementary Vocational Training in Glasswork and Ceramics which started off in the academic year 2009-2010 as an Initial Vocational Qualification Programme and, since the 2014-2015 school year, it has been considered a Basic Grade in Occupational Training. Moreover, the school offers a secondary school diploma in the arts modality.

The Glasswork and Ceramics course trains 15 and 16 years-old to take up specific posts in the field of ceramics, such as:
- Ceramic moulder: straining, mounting, glueing.
- Calibrated potter’s wheel operator.
- Pottery operator.
- Painter in a hand decoration line for ceramic products.
- Operator of moulds for handcrafted ceramics.
- Operator in mould reproduction of handcrafted ceramic pieces.
Its curriculum includes training in the workplace. Our students have done practical training in companies in the city such as: Domanises, Cerámicas Palanca, Prefabricados Mengual and La Cerámica Valenciana de José Gimeno Martínez.
In addition, the school has participated in the STEPV – Erasmus + project, with students from the school spending 30 days doing practical training in foreign companies in Italy (2018) and Portugal (2019).
Apart from the Erasmus + model, the school has set up a sociocultural exchange with a school in Delft in Holland, a school in Montelupo Fiorentino – a city which is twinned Manises because of their links with ceramics – and with a high school in Pau in the south of France – for learning French-.
IES José Rodrigo Botet
For over 15 years, the IES José Rodrigo Botet has been committed to promoting the centre’s European vision through international projects whose main goal is to showcase the city.
To this end, within the framework of the Erasmus project CROSSING BORDERS WITH ART AND TECHNOLOGY (2017-19), the school has developed a programme of activities linked to ceramics, in order to publicise the town’s signs of identity. Among others are a ceramics workshop in the School of Art, a visit to both the Ceramics Museum and a ceramics business, a variety of presentations of the origin and history of the diverse artistic techniques and traditions of Manises, as well as a guided tour to help reveal the intrinsic beauty of the ceramics that can be found in its streets.
This project means that work can be done, at both academic and social level, on one of the school’s priorities, namely, combating failure at school, and inequalities, fostering social inclusion, fomenting values of dialogue and peaceful coexistence in Europe and the world.

I.E.S. Pere Boïl
It is an educational centre whose objective is to train young people in solidarity, ensure they are well informed and eager for knowledge, and are capable of contributing to a better and more pacific world. Within a framework of mutual understanding and intercultural respect, students are encouraged to take an active approach to learning their whole life long, to be sympathetic, and understand that others, with their differences, can also be right.
In addition, the school is committed to maintaining the ceramist tradition of the city of Manises, dating back to the fourteenth century and still alive today. In this respect, the school is involved in the Comenius Programme whose objective is to learn about the bonds created by ceramics as an artistic, historical, economic and commercial expression.
The secondary school’s noteworthy activities:
- Erasmus Programme + Baccalaureate
- Week of language immersion in English and/or French.
- Sports activities: Hockey – Basketball
- “Som el Pere” school magazine, which includes the different activities carried out in the school in each assessment stage.
- Experimenta Programme
- Literary/Robotics/Plastics competitions.
- Music activities inside and outside the school
- Examination centre for B2 in English and French.