of ceramics

Manises, city of ceramics

105 documented facts and milestones (1237-2021)

This compilation was drawn up by Josep Pérez Camps


Before the conquest- King James I donates the villages of Paterna and Manises to the Aragonese knight Artal de Luna. From 9 October 1238, ceramic craftwork would be developed using pre-existing Muslim potter’s workshops.


Pere Boïl i d’Aragó acquires the seigniory of Manises from Lope Ferrench III of Lluna. In a dispute with the neighbouring Riba-roja― his first step was to secure ownership of the site which provided the «terra de cànter» or pitcher clay, necessary for producing ceramics.

1308 y 1309

Pere Boïl (IV Lord of Manises) is sent by James II of Aragon as ambassador to the Nazrid Kingdom of Granada. It is thought that these trips and subsequent trade relations led Pere Boïl to introduce and consolidate the production of lustreware in Manises.
1308 y 1309


The first documents referring to the production of lustreware in Manises. One of them features brothers Abdelaçiz and Abrahim Almurcí, a renowned family of ceramist artisans whose activity in the town continues until after the expulsion of the Moriscos.


Documented contacts by residents of Manises with the Nazrid Kingdom of Granada: Alí Albastí and his son Abrafín, Mudejars, are authorised to travel temporarily to “les parts de Granada” (parts of Granada); four days later Abdalla ben Ytal would do so.


Juan Albalat and Pascasio Martín, masters of tiles and lustreware of Manises, sign a contract to go to Avignon (France) to work on blue, white, green and purple painted and glazed tiles.


The two sieges by Castilian troops of the city of Valencia, during the war between Aragon and Castile, have grave consequences for Manises and its industry: the castle is destroyed together with houses and workshops. It was rebuilt between 1363 and 1372.


In the context of repair of the damage incurred during the war with Castile and the need to revitalize Manises society, Felipe Boïl (V Lord of Manises) sponsors the foundation of the parish of San Juan Bautista and separates it organically from Paterna.


In his treaty “Regiment de la Cosa Pública”, Francesc Eixèmenis points out: «The beauty of Manises lustreware is so masterfully painted that the pope and cardinals and princes of the world by special grace sought it out».


The Datini company exports numerous shipments of top quality lustreware produced in the main by Asmet Zuleima, a Mudejar from Manises, to the northern states of Italy through the port of Valencia.


Mahomat Çuleymen alfaquí (expert in Islamic law) and Maymo Annajar, «moros maestres de obra de malequa» (Moors, masters in malequa work or lustreware), from Manises, sign a contract for five years with Guillem de Martorell, lord of the town of Murla (Alicante), who wishes to set up a ceramic industry in his domain.

1440 c.

Made in Manises are floor tiles with the heraldry of Pope Eugene IV, the pope in Rome from 1431 to 1447. This is demonstrated by a flawed sample of the currency, found in an architectural dig in an effort to restore a site in the historical centre.
1440 c.


Joan Almurcí and Jaume Almurcí are the most prestigious tile makers of the period. Apart from special commissions, they make most of the tiles used in the buildings of political and administrative power in Valencia: Palacio del Real, Palacio de la Generalitat, Casa de la Ciudad, Lonja, Atarazanas, etc.

1446 and 1458

At the request of King Alphonse V of Aragon and I of Naples, Johan Almurcí produces 44,300 «Manises artwork» tiles for the new castle in Naples and the Aragonese castle of Gaeta.
1446 and 1458


Queen Mary, consort of Alphonse V of Aragon, commissions Don Pedro Boïl (X Lord of Manises) lustreware tableware «as we believe you a devoted servant and because you are at the source of said work».


Pere Boïl, XI Lord of Manises, creates the «Carrer Nou» (nowadays, Mayor street) . The planned extension of the residential centre of the town facilitated the settlement of 26 families, 50% Mudejars and the other half, Christians; some of whom worked in the booming ceramic industry.

1484, September

Mahomet Bellvís, Mayor of the Kingdom of Valencia, is buried in the Muslim cemetery of Manises. This goes to show the religious tolerance in the town and the importance of the Mudejar community in society.
1484, September


The Mudejars of Manises, Mahomet Alahmí and Azmet, alfaquí (expert in Islamic law), receive permission to travel on business to the Kingdoms of Castile and Granada. Pedro Boïl, IX Lord of Manises stood as guarantor of their return.


Tiles with Pope Alexander VI’s heraldry for the flooring in the Borgia Apartments in the Vatican are produced in Manises.


Felipe Boïl, XIV Lord of Manises, provides the golden tiles for the roof of the tower of the Palau de la Diputació del General, currently housing Valencia’s Regional Government.


«A hundred large plates in Manises artwork, full to overflowing with different jams» were displayed for the reception in the Consulate Hall which the city of Valencia offered to King Philip II during his official visit.


Pedro Joan, formerly Boil de la Scala (Lord of Manises), rents out to the married couple Raimundo Maçià and Inés de Vilanova the wheat, rice and “varnish” mills, for 240 pounds a year, for a period of four years.


Twenty five Moriscos, family heads from Manises, 12 farmers and 13 masters in clay work, held an assembly -with Felipe Boil’s license – in order to name a procurator for revoking the announced confiscation of their assets by the Inquisition.


Expulsion of the Moriscos from the Kingdom of Valencia. This deportation, which included a significant percentage of the master potters of Manises, aggravated the crisis in blue and lustreware which had started as a result of the success of polychrome ceramics produced in other towns in the peninsula.


The Guild of the of the Clay Work of Manises approves their statutes, dedicated to Saint Hippolyte. Aside from mutual assistance, the regulations state that it has become a trade guild with the power to control the quality of the production and its marketing.


Felipe Boil (Lord of Manises) authorizes the Ofici de Mestres d’Obra de Terra to supply the Chamber with varnish with 160 quintals of lead and tin. Twenty five masters are involved in the project, which is presided by a member of the Clavaría Order.


During King Philip IV’s visit to Valencia, the regional government makes him a gift of fifty Manises plates full of food.


At the meeting of the Gremi de Mestres d´0bra de Terra, in addition to making some modifications to the statutes, it is agreed to grant a definitive firing licence to 24 masters and another 8, a provisional licence for one year, after which they shall be obliged to submit to an exam.


The local economy is based on agriculture and the ceramic industry. Its infrastructure consequently adapts to the same. The Lord of Manises rents the mill and stipulates the shifts for grinding wheat and varnish, likewise, establishing the lean periods when flour takes precedence.


Following a complaint by the guild of potters of Manises, who believed that the prices set a month earlier for their lustreware had not been fairly estimated, the juries of the city of Valencia resolved to raise their value by an average 30%.


The first known attempt to establish a private monopoly, with the backing of the Marquis of La Scala and the Guild’s opposition, to market all ceramic production of Manises. A year later, the Royal Board of Commerce found in favour of the Guild.

1749. 06.09

King Ferdinand VI approves the new Ordinances of the «Guild of the manufacturers of blue and lustre ware» of the town of Manises. Among the modifications relating to the communal practice of the trade, Saints Justa and Rufina are chosen as patron saints.
1749. 06.09


With the solemn transfer of the Sacred Sacrament from the old temple, the new Church of Saint John the Baptist is officially opened. Its exterior is unique and brilliant thanks to lustreware-lined roofs of its transept and dome.


Vicente Morera, a trader from Valencia, sets up a factory in the Barri dels Obradors for producing Alcora-style fine chinaware; certifying the start in Manises of the production of polychrome ceramics and the decline of the total control of power formerly held by the Potters’ Guild.


Following their failure to take Valencia, the Napoleonic troops spent the night in Manises, causing significant damage. As well as attacking the City Hall and other civil buildings, they assassinated 36 residents, among them, the Mayor, and 3 ceramic factory owners.


At the awards ceremony organised by the Royal Economic Society of the Friends of Valencia in order to boost local industry, Francisco Gallego is awarded the Silver Medal for his white porcelain coffee set with golden decoration «typical of his factory in Manises».


Valentín Carsí starts the production of fired clay prefabricated elements in Manises for their use in building. According to the La Esperanza newspaper, the ceramic balusters that were fitted in the new market in Valencia are a product of the same.


The filters used to supply drinking water to the city of Valencia come into operation. Located in the partida del Calvario (nowadays, Avda. dels Tramvies), new ceramic industries would subsequently spring up around them: Aviñó, Mora, Huerta…


With «some pieces of Manises lustreware», Juan Bautista Casany Folgado is the only manufacturer of earthenware to participate in the Public Exhibition promoted by the Royal Economic Society of Friends of Valencia.


Rafael González Valls, owner of 4 tile factories -three in Valencia and one in Manises- takes part in the Great Exhibition in London. For Manises, the factory was decisive for resuming the production of tiles, which had not taken place since the seventeenth century.


Salvador Díez Cataluña, manufacturer of Manises faience, takes part in the International Exhibition of Philadelphia, held in the city to commemorate the centenary of the independence of the United States of America [Daily on Families and Notices and News from Madrid. No. 6,692, Madrid, 01.04.1876, p. 3.]


Juan Bautista Casany Folgado, the last specialist in lustreware still active in Manises at that time, is visited by architects Domènech i Montaner and Antoni Gaudi, all of whom were extremely interested in applying lustreware to their buildings.


The ceramics of the Félix Vilar Hermanos factory are awarded the Silver Medal at Barcelona’s World Exhibition.


The Valencia and Aragon railway, running through Manises, is opened. It was designed by engineer Rafael Valls David. Although it actually only reached Llíria, it helped to supply firewood and basic raw materials as well as the transport of ceramic production.


To the south and west of the railway station, the ceramic factories of Juan Bautista Cabedo, Francisco Valldecabres, Lucio Gallego were built… and, to the north, the future Paseo Guillermo de Osma began to take shape, on which industrialists like Francisco Valldecabres, Leopoldo Mora, Francisco Gimeno and Vicente Montaner built their houses… and the School of Ceramics was built.


Another of the ceramic factories on the rise is the one belonging to Vicente Mora Osca. That year, he managed to employ 50 operators and 25 female painters, and finish installing a hydraulic mill for refining colours and varnishes which would subsequently also serve external companies.


Monera y Compañía (Francisco Monera and Francisco Valldecabres) and Francisco Mora Gallego receive the Gold Medal at the National Exhibition of Artistic Industries and International Exhibition of Reproductions of Barcelona.


A text addressed to the General Directorate of Public Instruction requesting the creation in Manises of a Ceramics Musuem and signed by: Vicente Soler, Mayor; José Català, Silverio Royo, José Vilar, Justo Vilar, Rafael Valls David, José Gómez, Francisco Monera and Salvador Martínez.


Encouraged by engineer Rafael Valls David and other “distinguished people of this town” a school of drawing aimed at the ceramics industry and run by Luis Soria, with classrooms for both men and women, opens its doors.


The expectations of energy consumption by the ceramics industry in Manises leads to the setting up of the Electricity Company. This would be followed by Amat Hermanos (1904-1907), Barberá and Compañía (1908-1912, Sociedad Eléctrica Hidráulica del Turia (1914-1924), Electra Torrentina, etc.


Antonio Català Sanchis (Manises, 1848 – 1932) buys at an auction the Molí de Carbonnel (Carbonnell Mill) «for the purpose of milling varnishes» and extends its facilities to be able to produce and supply local industry with ceramic pastes, an activity in which it was pioneer.


Princess Isabel of Borbon visits several earthenware and tile factories in Manises. According to the ABC newspaper, apart from acquiring several pieces, the manufacturers «made her a gift of Japanese-style vases».


The Regional Valencian Exhibition is held in Valencia, a year after the National Exhibition. Of the five Diplomas of Honour with Gold Medal awarded to the ceramics sector, three went to the Manises factories: Juan Bautista Cabedo; Francisco Valldecabres, and Justo Vilar e Hijos.


The manufacturers of Manises donate «tons of ceramics» for the hospital that the Red Cross is building in the Grao district in Valencia to treat the wounded coming from the war of Melilla.


The Practical School of Ceramics of Manises becomes part of the state educational system. The classes are taught in temporary classrooms but those selected to teach are of the highest possible level: Gregorio Muñoz Dueñas, Manuel González Martí, Luís Soria Roca, Vicente Vilar David, etc.


The municipal authorities presided over by Mayor Vicente Mora Arenes, together with teachers and many residents, attended the ceremony for officially laying the first stone of the building to house the Practical School of Ceramics of Manises.


The International Trade Fair of Valencia opens. It is the first exhibition of this nature in Spain and a showcase for promoting Manises pottery. Among others, the following exhibit their products: Sons of Justo Vilar, Francisco Valldecabres, José Piqueres, and Daughter of Juan Bta. Cabedo.


The telegraph station of Manises starts to operate. At the opening ceremony, Mr. Buenaventura Guillém (the Master) highlighted the importance of technological improvements “as it was an eminently industrial town”.


The tile factories of Manises begin the process of replacing the manually driven flywheel presses, by semi-automatic electric friction presses. This innovation would enable an increase in production as well as the possibility to reduce the width of the tiles.

1921. October

The Manises Association of Manufacturers donates «over seventeen thousand tiles» for the Colony-Sanatorium of Fontilles.
1921. October


Many artists come to Manises to train in ceramics, attracted by the possibilities offered by the Practical School and the booming local industry: Andrés Campos Cervera (Paraguay), Vicente Speranza (Uruguay), Carmen Saco (Peru), Josefina Plá (Spain/Paraguay), Dionisia Masdeu (Zaragoza)…


King Alphonse XIII grants the Title of Historic and Industrious City to Manises «for having been dedicated from time immemorial to the ceramic industry and artistic majolica, whose products are exported to Europe and particularly to South America».


According to the La Libertad newspaper, the participants from Manises who were awarded a prize at the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Paris were: the School of Ceramics, Bronze Medal; Heirs of Francisco Valldecabres [Azulejos J. Mª Verdejo], Gold Medal, and Juan Bautista Huerta, Highest Distinction.


At the International Exhibition of Philadelphia, where Spain’s pavilion stood out, the Manises factories exhibiting their ceramics were: Juan Bautista Huerta, Grand Prize; Carlos Nadal Monera, Diploma and Medal of Honour; Juan Bautista Cabedo, and José Mª Martínez Aviñó.


Chemist Conrado Granell requests the patenting of the «Sinaí» water filter, a ceramic artifact that is registered with no. 103867. For its production and commercialisation, Manises industrialists Salvador Pérez Burgos and Vicente Montaner Lerma join forces with the inventor.


«The Union of Manufacturers of Ceramics of the Kingdom of Valencia» is set up in Manises. A local business association created to help advance this industrial sector and defend their legitimate interests. It ceased to exist in July 1936.


Manuel Martí Donderis, trader, and Vicente Vilar David, chemical engineer, joined forces to create the first factory in Manises for specifically producing frits, glazes and colorants for the ceramics industry. This company was popularly known as the «The colour factory».


The Eloy Domínguez tile factory (CEDOLESA), one of the most important in Spain, sets up the first continuous kiln in Manises for second firing. This technological innovation was crucial for improving and raising production.


José Gimeno Martínez advertises his «Factory and showroom in Calle del Huerto 26» in the Las Provincias newspaper, he describes it as «Valencian Ceramics», and offers replicas of what is «traditional in the country», but also «Modern art» and «Ceramic advertising posters».


Carmen Botet, the young ceramist from Manises, opens her first solo exhibition in the Sala Imperium in Valencia and it is mentioned in all of the city’s press; J. Mª. Bayarri, in the Diario de Valencia, writes: «…it reveals clear talent that can still grow…».


The proclamation of Spain’s Second Republic reactivated the formation of associations and participation in politics. The Workers’ Union of Manises “La Protección” is set up, and the Trade Union of Manufacturers of Ceramics, founded in 1927, ups its demands.


Forty two factories in Manises come together to create the Centre for Earthenware and Ceramics for jointly marketing their production and preventing mutual competition. In 1932, it took part with 6 stands in the International Trade Fair of Valencia.


During the Civil War, each of the Manises ceramic factories is managed by an Intervention Committee elected by the workers themselves and under the supervision of trade unions UGT and CNT. In most cases, the owner is a member of the board of directors.


At the end of the Civil War, the dictatorship requires the workers and business people to join a single vertical trade union. However, the ceramic industry of Manises groups together in the so-called «Guild of the Manufacturers» with two sections: Tiles and Majolica earthenware. In 1940, the rate tariffs are published.


During an official stay in Valencia, the Calipha of the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco, Muley Hassan, visits several factories in Manises producing earthenware, majolica and tiles.


Three years following its foundation, Cerámicas Hispania S.L. culminates its planned technological breakthrough and becomes the first factory to produce porcelain in Manises. It has exemplary facilities with 110 employees, 42 of whom are women.


The Official State Gazette publishes the newly organised teachings at the Practical School of Ceramics in Manises, now separated into a first common preparatory course and two fields of specialization: Expert in technical ceramics and expert in artistic ceramics.


UNISAN (Association of manufacturers of sanitary ware) is set up. It encompasses 18 factories of the subsector located in Manises. This union, together with competitive quality and price, made them the first producer of sanitary ware in Spain for 25 years.


Dr. José Catalá Díez (Manises, 1908-1979) joins the CEDOLESA tile factory workforce as a doctor. A reputable family doctor, he carried out research on the illnesses caused by the ceramic industry and, among other works, published «Contribución al estudio y tratamiento de la intoxicación profesional del plomo» (A contribution to the study and treatment of lead poisoning at work) in 1958.


Organized by the Ministry for Trade, the Floating Exhibition of Spanish Products aboard the Ciudad de Toledo ship visits 27 ports of 14 nations in Central and South America. Participants from Manises were: UNISAN, S. Valldecabres, CEDOLESA, La Azulejera de Emilio Tovar and Viuda de Francisco Lahuerta.


The Ceramics, Glass and Decorative Elements Fair (CEVIDER) is launced, a spin-off of the International Trade Fair of Valencia. With respect to the ceramics section, it includes coatings, decorative and functional earthenware, and machinery.


The Guild of Master Ceramist Potters is set up at provincial level, with headquarters in Manises. Among its competences is the authority to grant the Artisan in the Field card. Manuel Gimeno Aguilella (La Cerámica Valenciana) assumes the presidency.


The Manises Municipal Museum is founded. This event was a result of the legacy of the couple José Casanova Dalfó and Pilar Sanchis Causa, and promoted by Vicente Ferris Soler, Councillor of Culture in the City Hall, with Francisco Gimeno Adrián as Mayor.


With the sponsorship of the Gallego Vilar company, Manises City Hall creates and kicks off the National Competition in Ceramics. In the first edition, the jury awarded the City of Manises Prize to the work «Estrómboli» by Enrique Mestre.


The Vicente Montaner Lerma factory is awarded the National Prize for Exports. Founded in 1913, the company knew how to make the most of the opening up of foreign trade in the nineteen sixties and became the second most important exporter in Spain in the decorated earthenware sector.


The Valencian Association of Entrepreneurs in Ceramics (AVEC) is founded to replace the Trade Union of Manufacturers of Ceramics and Glass, with headquarters in what is currently Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, no. 3 in Manises.


A group of Valencian entrepreneurs set up PORSAN, a ceramic sanitaryware limited company with production plants in Chiva and Manises (La Cova factory). Its sanitary ware obtained the AENOR type-approval mark in 1979 .

1982. December

Natural gas is now being supplied and some of the 84 ceramic industries that have pre-contracted the service are beginning to use it in Manises, after adapting their propane gas ovens to the new fuel.
1982. December


After 19 years participating jointly in CEVIDER, CEVISAMA takes part as a separate entity in the likewise international Valencia Fair, specialising in ceramics and glass for building


Building concludes of the new School of Ceramics of Manises, located in what is currently the avenida Ceramista Alfons Blat (director of the ECM, 1948-1970). The modern facilities, necessary to help raise the quality of the teaching are inaugurated for the 86-87 academic year.


Following its extension and refurbishment, the Municipal Museum is reopened, and reconverted into the Manises Ceramics Museum, due to its monographic role. The increase in the number of its collections helps provide a perspective of the local industry from the fourteenth to the twentieth century.


The National Competition of Ceramics of Manises extends its scope of action, becoming the European Biennial of Ceramics. It would finally become the International Biennial of Ceramics with a global scope, ten years later.


At the proposal of the Ceramics Museum, Manises City Council approves, within the 1st Specific Amendment of the General Plan for Urban Zoning, the Protection Standards of the Archaeological Heritage of the town which include the areas in the historical centre and the Barri dels Obradors.


Entrepreneurs from Valencia reconvert the PORSAN factory in Manises and found the UNISAN XXI a ceramic sanitaryware firm. In 2004, SANINDUSA, the Portuguese multinational, acquires 100% of its shares in order to reinforce its sales network in the Spanish market.


Inauguration of the Centre for Services and the Promotion of Valencian Ceramics and headquarters of AVEC. It was built on a plot donated by Manises City Council and has 3,000 m2 for offices, an assembly hall and permanent exhibition with products by its associates.


The minister for industry of Cuba, Jesús Pérez Othón, visits the Centre for Services and the Promotion of Valencian Ceramics (AVEC) and the factories, La Cerámica Valenciana (Heirs of José Gimeno Martínez) and Cerámicas Teflor, specialists in wicker-style ceramics.


VICAR, S. A. moves its clay factory to a modern plant and strengthens it R&D&I department to focus on new compositions for technical ceramics (cordierite, alumina, steatite…), becoming the first domestic manufacturer in this speciality.


The Valencian Association of Ceramics and the Guild of Ceramist Artisans merge under the name Valencian Association of Ceramics AVEC-Gremio and set up their headquarters in calle Valencia, 29, in Manises.


At a time when there is a slump in the decorative earthenware industry due to a never-ending economic depression, the Manises School of Ceramics is renamed the Higher School of Art and Ceramics. As well as degree-level upper studies, it also offers training cycles.


The Generalitat Valenciana awards the Nova 2006 Prize, in the handicraft sector, to La Cerámica Valenciana Sucesores de José Gimeno Martínez, S. L. for the development of its innovative Sagen / Ceramics project based on the edition of pieces by young designers. 



The buildings in the Barri dels Obradors are demolished. In their place, a major archaeological site remains, pending maximum protection and extremely careful excavation.


Juan Carlos Iñesta patents the DOMANISES trademark for a new workshop project, initiated some years previously, in which to explore innovation in ceramic artisanship in collaboration with artists, designers and computer programmers.


In the excavation campaigns carried out between 2015 and 2017 led by Jaume Coll on the site at C/ Valencia nº 17 (Barri dels Obradors), among other finds were the royal heraldry belonging to Charles VI, King of France (1368-1422).


Arturo Mora (Lustreware of Manises) is awarded the first prizes in the speciality of traditional ceramics, at the International Biennial of Ceramics of Talavera and in the Crafts Competition of the Autonomous Community of Valencia.

2021, May (?)

Following promotion by the City Hall and with the support of citizens and numerous public and private institutions, Manises successfully gains entry into UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network under the category «Crafts and Folk Arts».
2021, May (?)