Encisar-te Manises
Encisar-te is a non-profit association dedicated to spreading ceramics. The association started its project in 2005 and has continued with the same enthusiasm up to the present day.
The Encisar-te team is made up of experts in artistic ceramics in the l’Escola d’Art i Supe-rior de Ceràmica in Manises, who invite the different groups to learn and enjoy them-selves with ceramics in their workshops, under the premise: “ Be the lead in your own work”.

The workshops are aimed at groups of all ages, with or without experience. Working with different techniques, the participants acquire a greater knowledge and awareness of ce-ramics. They learn to value ceramics in our urban and domestic environment, and, above all, they share new and original creative experience.
This workshop can be combined with a visit to Manises Ceramics Museum.
Workshops that can be held:
- SLAB WORKSHOP: Modelling clay slabs, using a flat piece on which reliefs, textures, incisions, etc. are applied.
- MOSAIC WORKSHOP: Artistic compositions with mosaic tiles. Fitting pieces of tiles like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
- COSTUME JEWELLERY WORKSHOP: designing ceramic earrings and pendants; deco-rating small shapes to create original costume jewellery.
- GAME WORKSHOP: With the most creative board games. Designing and decorating a board game and modelling the pieces with clay.
- SOCARRAT WORKSHOP: Decorating on unglazed bisque clay, one of the most repre-sentative techniques of Valencian ceramics.
- THEME WORKSHOPS: An option to avail of, and complement, a subject being studied in class relating to a particular artistic style, a social issue, a dedication and, why not, the end-of-course class photo.
- SEASONAL WORKSHOPS: In which the decorations and techniques are adapted to themes of the chosen period (Christmas, Easter, summer….).