+ project

The Cerasmus + project was instigated by the AEuCC – European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation “Cities of Ceramics”. It began with an opening meeting held in Perugia (Italy) on 12 December 2017, in the headquarters of TUCEP – Timber Umbria Programa Educativo Comett, project coordinator.
This project involved creating a European innovation network in the art and ceramic craftwork sector in which 6 countries and 8 members have been taking part in the last 2 years.

Project Objectives
The Cerasmus + project aimed at protecting traditional heritage, modernising the ceramic sector and developing professional training in the ceramic industry by using work-based learning models, with these 3 goals.
- To create a European network of the parties interested in ceramics (Vocational training providers, craft businesses, public authorities, cultural institutions, research centres) in order to analyse the sector’s skills needs with reference to an improvement of the “value chain”, the revitalising of the urban environment and the start-up of companies.
- To combine the ceramic tradition with innovative design and production techniques.
- To review and innovate in vocational training in the ceramics sector with the aid of work-based learning models in order to strengthen the sector’s value in terms of culture, society and the economy.
Actions carried out
- Field analysis to explore the skills needed in order to ensure the development of the sector through networking, protection of intangible heritage and innovation. The field analysis was carried out with the aid of interviews and questionnaires with key actors in ceramics.
- Design and implementation in a virtual online environment managed by key actors and stakeholders in ceramics in order to discuss the main topics arising from the assessment stage and create a permanent forum to ensure closer cooperation.
- Planning and testing of specific study plans for basic vocational training and continuous training, focusing on work-based learning, aimed at acquiring transversal and professional competences for improving the sectorial “value chain”.