IES José Rodrigo Botet
For over 15 years, the IES José Rodrigo Botet has been committed to promoting the centre’s European vision through international projects whose main goal is to showcase the city.
To this end, within the framework of the Erasmus project CROSSING BORDERS WITH ART AND TECHNOLOGY (2017-19), the school has developed a programme of activities linked to ceramics, in order to publicise the town’s signs of identity. Among others are a ceramics workshop in the School of Art, a visit to both the Ceramics Museum and a ceramics business, a variety of presentations of the origin and history of the diverse artistic techniques and traditions of Manises, as well as a guided tour to help reveal the intrinsic beauty of the ceramics that can be found in its streets.
This project means that work can be done, at both academic and social level, on one of the school’s priorities, namely, combating failure at school, and inequalities, fostering social inclusion, fomenting values of dialogue and peaceful coexistence in Europe and the world.

I.E.S. Pere Boïl
Pere Boïl Secondary School’s outlook is unequivocally international, proof of which is its participation in different international programmes like Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and Jean Monnet, aimed at all educational levels, from the early childhood stage right up to adult education, and including primary, secondary and vocational training levels. Moreover, the centre is committed to enabling exchange, cooperation and mobility between the educational and training systems of the different countries of Europe.
Training in ceramics is included in the framework of the Comenius programme whose objective is to learn about the bonds created by ceramics as an artistic, historical, economic and commercial expression. Specifically, this programme focuses on researching the footprints of lustre ware and blue-decorated stoneware scattered around Europe between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and which afforded fame throughout Europe to the ceramics produced in the city of Manises and sought after by princes and popes alike. Apart from the IES Pere Boïl in Manises, the following secondary schools also participate in this programme: Grotius College in Delft, Holland, and Liceo Scientifico Ettore Majorana in Scordia, Italy.